Jared Verse and Trey Benson express their heartfelt reactions to the recovery of Jordan Travis, a prominent football player at FSU.

Jared Verse and Trey Benson express their heartfelt reactions to the recovery of Jordan Travis, a prominent football player at FSU.

Whenever I come across him, a smile graces my face as he has made great progress.

At FSU Pro Day preceding the 2024 NFL Draft, a group of fifteen ex-Florida State Seminoles have congregated in Tallahassee to exhibit their abilities before scouts. Despite an impressive 13-1 performance last season, Florida State experienced unexpected exclusion from the College Football Playoff due to former quarterback Jordan Travis’ severe leg injury.

It has been several months since Travis began his rehab, and he has made significant progress. This enabled him to gather with all of his teammates on Tuesday for the launch of FSU’s inaugural spring training session in 2024.

Former FSU star running back Trey Benson mentioned during Travis’ Pro Day interview that he smiles every time he sees him, knowing the long way that he has come. Though Travis did not deserve what happened to him, as a soldier, Benson commented on his resilience. He also observed how good Travis looked while throwing on the field yesterday and added that it was hard to tell he was hurt.

The season of Travis was tragically cut short due to a horrific leg injury against Northern Alabama, resulting in the team facing heavy consequences without their star quarterback. Yet, despite how gruesome it may have been, his remarkable recovery deserves recognition.

Former FSU defensive end Jared Verse expressed that Trey’s words rang true. Witnessing J Trav’s dedication almost brought tears to his eyes, knowing how hard he works and the passion he invests in this program. Verse acknowledged that without J Trav, the situation would have been vastly different as he pours his heart and soul into it both as a player and person – just like one of his brothers whom they hold dear.

The ex-quarterback appears to still be a source of inspiration from the sidelines, with his impact on the ACC Title Team extending beyond just their performance on the field.

“It’s a heartwarming feeling that fills you with genuine joy for life, knowing people can surmount hurdles and rise above challenging circumstances,” Verse expressed. “Observing him gives you the impression of an unyielding figure who exudes strength. That man right there, he holds significant value to me.”

On March 22, FSU Pro Day will feature Verse, Benson and a dozen other teammates who are all set to participate.

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