‘YES MAROOCH!’: Golf’s newest Instagram sensation has some feel-good advice for you

His Irish accent grows louder, his words quicken and he becomes more expressive. Gradually, his volume reaches an almost deafening level. Remarkably though, it’s not directed at you but rather with you in unison. It feels as if he is rallying you like a coach priming up their team before a crucial match. As I listen attentively on the other side of the phone call nodding earnestly to everything said by him; somewhat surprisingly finding myself swayed into agreement with him too!
“Exactly!” he screamed, “Yes, Marooch!”
Rob’s catch phrase is Marooch or Marucci, but its origin remains unknown to many. Even when asked directly, Rob only cryptically responded with “I’ll send you something that can help with that” during our interview. We will have to wait and see what he sends us for more information on this peculiar expression.
Although he’s not a newcomer to the golf world, Hogan has established himself as an accomplished coach and speed golf champion with multiple victories under his belt – he can finish a competitive round in less than 40 minutes. However, after revealing his unleashed persona recently, he has garnered quite the following on social media platforms like Instagram. His account Speed Golf Rob started gaining traction and grew from just below 30k followers to over 200k within one year.
“Making videos and thinking about golf are both my passions,” he expresses. “When these two things blended together, something magical happened – people started watching and appreciating it.”
Hogan’s Instagram videos are filled with high energy and passionate golf advice, often delivered through screaming at the viewer on the other end. These clips have been instrumental in propelling his popularity on the platform and Golf Digest staffers frequently share Hogan’s latest tips. Even top coaches acknowledge that he truly understands what he is talking about.
We phoned him to gather further information.
The Q&A was edited to enhance clarity and conciseness.
Luke Kerr-Dineen asks, “What is the process behind creating your videos? Based on the high levels of energy you put into them, it seems like they must leave you exhausted.”
Every video I create is a manifestation of my golf musings. While on a bike ride, contemplating about swings, players or something intriguing that I’ve recently absorbed through books or podcasts often inspires me to conjure up innovative ideas. At times when the idea strikes me fervently, it becomes necessary for me to halt whatever activity I am involved in and hastily capture the moment before evaporating into thin air. My eagerness for sharing these notions stem from profound ardour towards this sport; furthermore hoping that viewers will revel positively upon watching them.
Having a background in speed golf, how has that impacted your perspective on the golf swing?
The concept of speed golf has always appealed to me, especially after reading about Jack Nicklaus and Lee Trevino engaging in it. My fascination started around 2008 when I participated in a charity exhibition that involved speed golfing. Although it took three holes for me to find my footing, the last fifteen were remarkable as I hit the ball exceptionally well – better than ever before! Notably, there was no guidebook on how to play this sport during those times; hence, approaching it from scratch allowed me freedom while honing deep into perfecting my swing technique: an unmatched training approach revealed itself through this experience.
Could you explain the concept of a training method in this context? Although speed golf may not be an activity commonly pursued by most golfers, it seems to have potential as a subject of interest for learning.
Speed golf allowed me to tap into my accumulated golf swing technique, which may have been clouded by conscious thinking. Playing without overthinking was liberating. Elite players analyze their body types meticulously in order to coordinate their swings accordingly; however, this process is generally not feasible for the vast majority of amateurs who lack ample time for such scrutiny. Instead, amateur golfers could allow themselves a chance at discovering their ideal swing through emptying the mind and reacting spontaneously – being athletic-minded rather than preoccupied with analysis paralysis. In my case speed-golf served as an effective outlet towards achieving that end goal of self-discovery on the green.
Why is the action of throwing frequently featured in your videos, as you mentioned?
This concept corresponds with the principles of speed golf. While jogging beside a lake, tossing a stone doesn’t require conscious positioning – nobody throws towards the soil, for instance. Anyone can throw without hesitation and perform exquisite human motion and mechanics resembling those in golf swings. However, when handed a club, these instincts fade away as our intellect interferes.
Why is the analogy of throwing suitable for explaining the golf swing in technical terms?
When hurling a stone, your body will naturally follow a sequence. Your arm and elbow position themselves automatically without much thought while standing in a way that facilitates the throw. Such positioning varies among individuals depending on their physical measurements and capabilities; however, throwing is akin to golf swings where you are tossing or propelling the clubhead towards its desired direction like water being thrown by an object’s movement.
Do you have any final advice for golfers who want to improve their game?
Thinking freely can be enjoyable. Don’t doubt your ability to move and improve over time, even though hitting a golf ball is precise. Trust yourself instead of overwhelming with too many thoughts for more athletic swings.