Tiger Woods challenges the golf players to win Buick, once again proves that commercials were much better

I think that we can all agree that the commercials were better.

Of course, no one likes to watch advertisements, and there are still some good ones (“God“ God created a farmer ”, but immediately comes to mind), but it is simply impossible to deny that the flowering of commercials has long been behind us. Well, I just came across one that features a young Tiger Woods and it’s made of solid gold.

The concept is simple; Tiger approaches golfers who are just starting their day and challenges them to a competition as close to the pin as possible. If you win, you get to take home a brand new Buick, if you lose, well, you’re going to be playing against one of, if not the, greatest golfers of all time.

I could explain all of that, but it’s worth your time for the next five minutes, so just watch. The response to a woman’s victory makes my heart happy, and the man who won seems to be related to the whole club’s house.

M. C Lang

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