Selena Gomez’s $30 Million Puma Deal Pales in Comparision to How Much Tiger Woods and Lionel Messi Earn From Their Nike and Adidas Deal

Selena Gomez’s $30 Million Puma Deal Pales in Comparision to How Much Tiger Woods and Lionel Messi Earn From Their Nike and Adidas Deal

Lionel Messi and Tiger Wood’s brand endorsement deals with Adidas and Nike make Selena Gomez’s deal look like peanutsLuxury sports brands like Nike and Adidas have brought in several celebrities as their brand ambassadors and provided them with millions in paychecks. These celebrities include Lionel Messi, Tiger Woods, David Beckham, and Serena Williams.Lionel Messi and Tiger Woods’ Brand Deals Tower Over Selena Gomez’s Puma DealWhen Selena Gomez announced herself as a Puma partner on Instagram, fans were not surprised at her huge $30 million deal with the sports brand (via E! News). It was one of the less expensive sports brand endorsement deals by a celebrity. When these celebrities sign up for a brand collaboration, it brings them truckloads of money which boosts their net worth.If you think $30 million is handsome money for a few social media posts and a couple of commercials for Gomez, you are in for a shock. Argentinian legend Lionel Messi has a lifetime deal with Adidas which brings him not millions but a billion dollars in value. He signed this deal in 2017 after serving as a spokesperson for the brand for a long time.

Bob Oscar

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