If it weren’t for gymnastics, Simone Biles would have followed in her mother’s footsteps for a noble cause: “For Life.”

Simone Biles in Nurse: Can she make an even bigger impact outside the gym?

Simone Biles has had a very close bond with her mother, Nellie Biles, since she was a child. She gave her the best possible care and also supported young Simone in her decision to take up gymnastics. After her tragedy in Tokyo, it was her mother who received Simone’s first phone call. And while the world was furious, Nellie Biles consoled the gymnast by saying: “You can’t do it? It’s okay, honey. “That’s good”.

Nelly’s love for her daughter grows stronger every day. From an early age, the Olympian’s mother attended all of Simone’s events, except for the Tokyo Olympics. Nellie Biles, who once worked as a nurse, even went to the extent of sacrificing her career to build the undisputed queen of gymnastics from the ground up. And looking up to her mother, Simone Biles too, almost became a nurse. Seeing her mother successfully breastfeeding, little Simone also tried to follow in her mother’s footsteps, and of course, that was her OG back-up plan if she didn’t make it in gymnastics. During a July 2024 interview with Elle, Simone was asked about a different career she might have chosen, and without hesitation, the Olympian said, “A neonatal intensive care nurse, because I love kids.” “I always wanted to be a nurse.”

In fact, Nellie Biles studied nursing at the University of the Incarnate World in San Antonio. It was around this time that Nellie crossed paths with Ronald, who was stationed near San Antonio as an Air Force officer. After graduating from university, Nellie Biles went into professional nursing. She excelled in her career and soon ran a stable business consisting of a network of 14 hospitals. But even though Simone had a backup plan, Nelly Biles was determined to make her daughter a gymnastics champion, and in that quest, Nelly soon found herself in a situation that would test her love for her daughter. Simone Biles has always been into gymnastics and has trained with Amy Boorman since she was a child. Unfortunately, Simone found out that Boorman was planning to cut ties with the gym where she used to train. This was a shock because leaving would mean Simone Biles’ dream of becoming a gymnastics champion would take a major hit. Fortunately, this did not happen, as it did with Nelly Biles. Knowing the risks to her daughter, Nellie Biles decided to sell her hospital chain. She used the profits to build her own gym and convince Amy Boorman to continue training Simone Biles. Simone Biles as a nurse – could she make an even bigger impact outside the gym?

Nelly’s sacrifice soon bore rich fruit. Amy Berman and Simon Birz have been cooperating for the next 11 years. It was Berman’s director in the 2016 Rio Game to help Simone Bills won five Olympic medals. Simone Biles is grateful for all the sacrifices her parents made.

Simone Biles once said her parents gave her a second chance at life by adopting her. Recounting the same in her 2021 Facebook Watch series “Simone Versus Herself,” Biles added: » Meanwhile, Nelly Biles is still worried about Simone’s injury in Tokyo. Simone’s mother witnessed firsthand how difficult it is for the champion to recover. So, a worried Nellie Biles said: “All I can think and pray for is that she stays safe and that she stops this routine. I’ve been waiting for this to be over.” Now that her comeback is almost complete, Simone Biles will try to fly high in the gymnastics firmament. And Nellie Biles is at her side, proudly remembering all the sacrifices she made.

M. C Lang

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