Simona Bails says he received BOTOX on his 27th birthday, and he regrets this and shares how fans praise frankness.

Simone Bilz announced training with me at Tiktok. She said she regretted Botox on her 27th birthday. There was something strange in her eyebrows

On Friday, August 2nd, the Olympic winner released the video “Be with me \” 10 times on Tactoku, saying that he received Botox in her T Zone on March 14th birthday on March 14. did. She explained that her eyebrows would rise during training so others would notice and scold her, which she admitted she felt, but it didn’t subside for about 20 seconds. She said: “So on my 27th birthday, I got some Botox here in my T-zone, like Botox for babies, and I didn’t like it, so I never did it again, mind you, that was in March. She continued: “I was standing up during practice and my eyebrows were slowly lifting. Zoe said to me, “Simone, your eyebrows are up again.” I replied, “They go down after 20 seconds and it happens randomly, so I don’t know, but now I can do all my facials and I don’t do this anymore.”

M. C Lang

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