F1 fans proven right in Verstappen title prediction

F1 fans were right in predicting where Max Verstappen will win his fourth F1 drivers’ title.
F1 fans have successfully predicted where Max Verstappen will win his fourth F1 drivers’ title.
A Racing News365 poll asked readers where they think the Dutchman will become a four-time world champion. Excellent 65.05 % of voters predicted that Vermstapn would claim the title in Les Grand Las -vegas.
It is interesting that 28.43 % of those who voted for the planned Verteppen will win the title in Qatar next weekend, but we believe that 6.52 % of the courage will be decided in the Davy final in the Abbey. Ta. Verstappen finished fifth on the Las Vegas Strip, ahead of Lando Norris in sixth place, to claim his fourth consecutive title.
Read the full survey results below.
Can Verstappen win his fourth title at the Las Vegas Grand Prix? Voting is closed now
Yes – He will be a 4-time world champion in Las Vegas 65.05%
No – The title will go to Qatar 28.43%
Don’t know 6.52%
Total votes: 1980